Whilst designer handbags are great, their luxurious materials and pricey tags sometimes aren’t exactly what we need. Sometimes, particularly when we want to relax, a cheap and cheerful boho tote is the only thing that will do the job.
Great for flinging with chunky knits, tassels and funky clothes, this patchwork tote will match any number of outfits whilst still looking individual, cool and hippie-like. You will no doubt go through periods of hating it if you do buy it, but it will always find its way back into fashion somehow, and can be kept long after other bags would get too disheveled.
Sloppy floppy fashion is the name of the game here. The combination of fabrics may be a bit exotic and in-your-face, but the relaxed and easy going shape is great for those who carry lots and need a spacious design with plenty of compartments. Even better, the buckled middle and reinforced feet offer a bit more support to what is a purely fabric exterior.
I am disappointed that the leather trim is brown rather than black or even blue, although it does work to bring to mind aging travel bags and vintage looks.
This purse is ideal for anyone out there who can pull off boho like Nicole Richie, as long as they are feeling brave!
More Features of this Spacious Exotic Print Purse
- Diamante buckle
- Multiple trimmed pockets inside
- Magnetic snap closure