Luxury and exclusive handbag label Bally may have just managed to make itself even more desirable with this $795 Alunina tote.
Hot pink, when done well, can actually be one of the most sophisticate, yet individual, colors on the market. It can actually look great in more formal situations, where anything other than black is unexpected. As this large tote is quilted, it is instantly classy and mature, so the bright shade works perfectly.
Whilst the handle is a little small for those who actually want to load a tote like this to the top, the small size looks great. I know that fashion shouldn’t ignore practicality, but I find the wide base works just right with the dual handles. That said, I must hold my hands up and admit to being completely and irrevocably in love with this incredibly expensive bag. One day I dream of owning this!
Inside, class is the name of the game, and the multiple patent trimmed compartments and pockets show you just where your money goes. This is sublime, and hugely luxurious.
More Features of this Quilted Bally Tote
- Contrasting pale signature lining
- Stitched patent leather
- Multiple compartments and pockets
- Dual short handles