I was initially struck by the bold contrast of black leather and red snakeskin accents on this Bijou purse. But it’s the practical design of this Alexis Hudson shoulder bag that really stole my heart.
You wouldn’t know it at first glance, but this is actually four different handbags in one. Carry it as it comes and you’ve got a spacious shoulder bag with a generous front pocket. Remove that pocket and it becomes an evening clutch. Add one of the chain straps to it, and it’s a small baguette bag or a cross-body purse. I’ve seen many convertible bags in my time, but few that offer this many options. It’s also rare to see a handbag like this with such clever aesthetics; no matter what mode it’s in the design is clean, as if it was made to be carried in that way.
That versatility helps to justify the rather hefty $895 price tag. That’s a lot more than Alexis Hudson tends to charge, but few of the fashion label’s bags do so much.
The striking black and snakeskin accented look isn’t for everybody, but I love its fire. If you’d prefer something more subtle though, consider the Bijou in icy vanilla . Just make sure you handle it with care if you want that white leather looking its best!
More Features of This Alexis Hudson Convertible Shoulder Bag
- Protective metal feet
- Dual shoulder straps with a 10 inch drop
- An attachable cross-body strap with a 20 inch drop
- Large bag measures 15 x 14 x 6 inches
- Smaller pouch measures 8.5 x 5.5 inches