I don’t know quite where to start with this bag! It is fabulous in its weirdness!
The shape does actually make sense; the metal ring handle makes this bag so easy to grasp and carry. I hesitate over whether the thinness of the metal could hurt your hand, but this petite clutch should be light enough to carry without any trouble. If you put enough in this clutch that it hurts to carry, you probably need a full sized purse!
This purse is available in two colors: red and black. These two leather-like options show off the bright shiny patent to its best effect. This fold over handbag definitely isn’t subtle; the shine and glow are even better with the eye catching design.
Remember to think about the practicality of this slouchy shape. In order to hold this bag, it has to be pretty lightly packed to function as best it can. It is fair to question whether the small capacity and bunched up effect works, but luckily the bright colors and novelty save it!
More Features of this Aldo Mezzanino Purse
- Two metal handles that combine for holding
- Slouch effect
- Available in two different colors