We are used to seeing exceptionally unusual novelty bags from designer Timmy Woods. Comparatively, this beaded tote is quite normal, quite subtle.
However, when you get up close to this purse, you realize that what looks from a distance like some form of embroidered patchwork is actually a huge amount of beading. Each flower is a mass of straw and different colored beads/sequins, making this a handbag that needs a lot of care to maintain. It is, consequently, a novelty bag that just isn’t quite as obvious as you may expect.
Rather than being a typical Timmy Woods design, this is a tote rather than a strangely shaped clutch. As such it is much more practical; you could, if you wanted, use this on a more everyday basis, even with all the beading. It is also suitable to wear both day and night, rather than only to parties!
This unusual summer tote with its straw base is cute, quirky and fun, and eminently more sensible that its sibling designs!
More Features Of This Timmy Woods Beaded Tote
- Straw body
- Extensive beading and sequins
- Zipped closure
- Handcrafted design