I love Tignanello for its affordable variety of quality handbags. They always have classic designs with practical features for everyday use. They also seem to stick to finding the best leather possible for their price range and using it creatively.
I can only assume that the Touchables Tote got its name from the buttery soft leather used to construct it. This Tignanello handbag, though available in a rainbow of colors, is a standout in the combination of white, brown, and powder blue. The triangular blue panels are the perfect complement to the solid white while the light brown gives the bag a natural look.
The Touchables bag has a simple tote silhouette, but the exterior side pockets add a ton of function. In addition to adding structure to the shape, these slip pockets allow for quick access to items. This tote could almost even pass as a stylish diaper bag, if you’re in the market for one.
It’s the type of handbag that can be used everyday, though, from the office to shopping with friends. The flat double handles make it comfortable for carrying around, and a magnetic closure holds everything inside. The Tignanello Touchables collection offers this style in a tote or hobo version. This multi-colored Touchables Tote sells for $198.
More Features of the Touchables Tote
- Measures 15 x 11.5 x 10 inches
- Double straps with 5 inch drop
- Lined interior