Generally designer brand Rafe produces sleek and elegant handles with modern yet sophisticated looks. I hate to admit it, but I am not sure if the Kelly clutch falls into that category.
Don’t get me wrong. This handbag is made from reclaimed and then recycled plastic bags, which is pretty damn cool. Considering the ingredients, you would never know of its humble origins, which suggests the brand have done something right in the design of this eco-friendly clutch. The shape is spacious, and the monochromatic color scheme is always going to be a classic.
I can’t help but question a handbag that costs upwards of $100, but which is made from materials that were essentially free. I also feel like the braided design looks a little too boho for such a sleek designer, and that that same braiding may make this a very strange texture to hold. This plastic flap clutch tries really hard, but generally I feel that it has just missed the target.
What do you think of this recycled handbag?
More Features of this Rafe Kelly Purse
- Made from recovered plastic bags
- Also available in a multicolored option
- Crocheted design
- Multiple interior spaces