Bulga Butterfly Shoulder Bag | Blue-Green Leather Studded Handbag

47 sec read

Bulga is a brand that generally offers quality leather bags at a slightly more affordable price than some designers. Affordable, though, is a relative word when it comes to fashion.

This Butterfly Shoulder Bag, for example, retails for $465, which is less than so many big name purses but still a tad pricey for many shoppers. However, the quality of the details is great for the under-$500 range. Bulga is known for this, and it shows on the Butterfly handbag.

It earns its name from the curved stitching on the front that creates a delicate winged shape. In case the feature might seem too feminine, Bulga added a contrasting style with silver studs. I wouldn’t exactly say it gives the bag a rock-and-roll style, but it does take off the ultra-girly edge.

The silver-toned handle rings and zipper tassel are nice additions as well. The bright blueish-green color is vibrant and perfect for the spring. I also appreciate the double flat handles that sit comfortably on your shoulder.

Inside the Butterfly, a pastel printed lining reminds us that this is a pretty handbag meant for women. If the bright green is too colorful for you, this Bulga shoulder bag also comes in a neutral taupe and dark brown.

More Features of the Butterfly Shoulder Bag

  • Leather material
  • Silver-toned hardware
  • Studded details
