The Bag Blogosphere is a central hub from of all things handbag. Bag news, purse reviews, and handbag fashion chats from across the web are accessible from one central location.
In essence the Bag Blogosphere exists to connect handbag fashion fans to the large variety of quality websites out there which discuss bag fashion.
Can I Get My Content Included?
BagBunch editors search the web and handpick sources of handbag news, reviews and discussions to include in the Handbag Blogosphere. Only sites that meet a certain quality standard will be accepted.
If we have not included your site and you think it would be a good addition to the Bag Blogosphere then please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page.
To be considered for addition your site must:
- Post handbag related content on a regular basis, ideally with a dedicated handbag category.
- Contain unique original content.
- Not infringe anyone else’s copyright.
- Maintain a high standard of writing.
What are the Benefits?
- Build Reputation & Exposure
With your site included in The Bag Blogosphere your content will reach a wider audience, give you more exposure and help you build your credibility and reputation with a new audience. - Link Love
The Bag Blogosphere links back to your posts with a Google friendly link. In addition we link to the homepage of your site on the Bag Blogosphere main page. This will help raise your link popularity driving further exposure for your site. - Direct Visitors
The clickable links will also drive passionate handbag fashion fans direct to your site giving you more exposure and helping you generate a loyal readership of fashion lovers.
I Have a Copyright Concern, What Can I Do?
If you are concerned that has published infringing content then please report it here. For other queries please use our general contact form.
I’m Already a Member of the Bag Blogosphere
If you are already included in the Bag Blogosphere then you can consider yourself part of the elite group of handbag fashion sites on the net.
Share this fact with your readers by proudly wearing the BagBunch badge on your site:

Code to use:
Make sure you edit the code to match your site
– Copy the code above to a text editor
– Look in the code for
– Change it to your domain name. For example:
– Paste the code onto your site where you want it to appear
Apply to Join
If we have not included your site and you think it would be a good addition to the Bag Blogosphere then please contact us using the form below: