designer inspired
Not all knock-offs and faux leather bags are worth looking at. Imitation might be the best form of flattery, but there...
You’ve seen them on the arms of the world’s hottest celebrities, but there’s no way most of us could ever afford...
Balenciaga’s crocodile leather Weekender is the BMW of bags. But at $22,500, few of us can ever afford to carry such...
Fendi Spy bags are the must have accessory for fashionistas like Hilary Duff, Kelly Osbourne, and the Olsen twins. The fur...
Fendi’s Selleria bags are utterly dreamy, with classic styling and so much space inside. What’s less appealing is the four-figure price...
This stylish buckled bag brings you all the style of Fendi’s B Bag at a fraction of the price. The attention...