Handbags are great for carrying stuff around. This is obvious. They are functional, fashionable items that can be used to complete an outfit or transport your belongings. Or, at least, this is what they used to be.
Nowadays, the simple premise of the “handbag” no longer exists. We have totes, baguettes, clutches. We have purses covered in diamonds, sculpted out of the leather of nearly extinct lesser-spotted raccoons. We have handbags, essentially, that are art.
Here is one such bag. This satchel is the product of a symbiotic relationship between the great and mighty fashion house of Louis Vuitton, and the artistic mind of Richard Prince. As such, it is rather fabulous to look at. Brilliantly retro in design, the bag features two huge zippered pockets, and thick chunky leather handles. It is bright, in your face, yet in reality the colors are muted and move delicately thorough the shades of acid brown. This paint covers the iconic Vuitton pattern, which peeks coyly through. This is a bag that only hints at it’s designer origins. It would look as at home on a gallery as on a supermodel’s arm! Plus, you always have a line with this treasure: it features two gently humorous jokes emblazoned on the front, both in this case from a man’s perspective.
To quickly address the practical issues, there is no problem with space and storage in this monster tote. This monogram collection may feature cute themed jokes branded on the side, but a joke they ain’t. They have strong supportive handles, wide berth, and are in supple leather. They also usefully feature a ring for purses or keys and a nice little cell-phone compartment.
I will venture as far as to say that this bag goes through the motions of being real, of being usable. If you wanted too, you could easily carry this holdall with you – as long as you have a team of well-trained security guards watching your back. After all this bag is priced as art, and is signed by the artist himself. Consequently, it soars in at an unbelievable and thoroughly collectible $5000!!
An investment? Perhaps!
More Features of This Louis Vuitton Monogram Joke Satchel
- Traditional antique brass hardware
- Two large compartments, each zippered closed
- Signed piece from ’08 collection