Replica designer Spy Bags are inspired by the widely popular Fendi Spy Bag and generally closely match the features of the authentic designer version. When looking at a replica from a distance you can hardly tell the difference from the authentic designer version.
Many owners of genuine Fendi Spy Bags are upset at how good some of the replica bags are which is not surprising seeing as many have paid out over $2,000 for the genuine fashion accessory.
The Fendi inspired bags mimic the chic Fendi shape, have the same knot detail on the handles and are finished with very similar stitching on the front of the bag.
The bargain inspired Spy Bags are perfect for any occasion due to their cute, smart and practical nature. These stylish bags often appear to be the size of a small hobo bag in photos, but are actually deceivingly bigger stretching to around 17 inches in length meaning that they are big enough to carry all your daily essentials.
The replica Fendi bags are widely available in the same colors, shapes and sizes as the original bags so you have plenty of designs to choose from. A real must have for the fashionable girl on a budget!
More Features of the Fendi Inspired Spy Bag
- Faux Leather
- Zip Top Closure
- Cell Phone Pocket
- Inside Zip
- Woven Double Top Handles