If nothing else, Ed Hardy knows how to create a handbag that stands out. It nails that brief again with this Quiana carry on bag.
Travel bags are often quite bland, so I appreciate Ed Hardy for providing a point of difference. But I’m not altogether sold on the design. The skull printed cotton is very Ed Hardy, and frankly quite tacky. The signature printed insert complements those skulls well, but it also looks pretty cheap. It’s horses for courses though. The Quiana is a very Ed Hardy bag, and it’s meant to appeal to the tastes of its already established fan base rather than impress newcomers.
There are some really nice things about this bag on a practical level though. Cotton is an inspired choice, as it’s strong but lightweight, just the thing we need in these days of excess baggage charges. I also appreciate the choice of straps; we can use the short handles or attach the longer strap for making our way through a crowded airport. The interior is also spacious if a bit narrow. But remember, the Quiana is designed as a carry on bag, something to complement a suitcase rather than serve as your sole travel accessory.
Given its cheap materials, even cheaper looks, and occasional usage I think Ed Hardy has a hide to charge $248 for this carry on bag. If you’re an Ed Hardy fanatic you might see value, but despite its few redeeming features I think I’ll pass.
More Features of This Ed Hardy Cotton Carry On Bag
- Zip closure
- Logo print lining
- Measures 15 x 22 x 5 inches
- Made in China