The Badgley Mischka Eve tote is a creatively shaped handbag perfect for those who want a little luxury in their lives.
I do like a good design feature in a handbag; it makes it stand out from the crowd, and into more of a conversation point. In this particular hobo the design feature is that oversized ring handle, which works well with the tear drop body. It does manage to bring a certain easy-going boho vibe to the bag, but thankfully the sumptuously soft leather body counteracts any “casual” impression the shape may give.
Of course, I wouldn’t be such a fan of the handles if they were the only carrying option that Badgley Mischka deemed us deserving of. After all, it wouldn’t be that comfy for what is a decently spacious bag. Thankfully we are also given a shoulder strap, and although the chain detailing doesn’t really go with the pleats and plaited detail, it is still very much appreciated.
At $465 this luxury leather hobo isn’t exactly cheap, but it is an elegant and individual way to quietly make a fashion statement.
More Features of this Badgley Mischka Ring Handle Hobo
- Also available in dove gray and navy
- Braided ring handles or optional shoulder strap
- Spacious slouchy shape
- Shiny gold hardware detailing